Update on George/Dad

Doctors have started a slow weaning process from sedation in hopes that Dad can wake up in his own time so to prevent flashbacks or panic in case he’s suffered any memory loss or is confused, like not remembering he’s mute and suddenly he tries to talk to us but can’t. Dad has a lot of years stored, but we’re not sure nothing was damaged or lost until he wakes up and interacts with us. thank you all for your continued love, prayers and support. We are so humbled and blessed to have you all in our corner
especially Dad’s(George).
Be blessed.
I wish we had cracked Dad’s password sooner, but better late than never.  We are trying to keep his accounts updated as best we can. We can also be reached through his email account and IG. If you need this information, feel free to email us at georgeparker1950@hotmail.com
Hardest post to write, but necessary.

Thursday George/Georgie update Thursday Sep 29, 2016

As we read posts from Dad’s social media accounts, we have noticed he starts blinking with his eyelids more and more as we read comments and posts from a lot of you. thank you for your love, support, thoughts and prayers. Dad’s a tough old Marine with a soft heart unless provoked to be otherwise. He’s always been there for us, now it’s our time to support him for as long as needed. NO bad news is GREAT NEWS…………………………. If you need to reach any of us, we are also monitoring Dad’s email account     georgeparker1950@hotmail.com

Wednesday George/Georgie update Wednesday Sep 28, 2016

The past two days have not shown us anything we haven’t expected as far as Dad is concerned. Early this morning we were reading some notes and comments from his IG feed, easiest to sort and decipher next to his email, still haven’t cracked his WordPress account so far, apparently he changed it to a different password other than rest of social media accounts. We’ll crack it soon as we get time to sit down and pretend to be him……………… if we’re very lucky, he sent it to himself in and email as a reminder. Dad is a character, nothing  new to you all, I’ll wager.

during readings this morning he blushed and goosebumps appeared suddenly, quite funny actually, but then Dad isn’t boring, even in a coma, especially when you’re around him a lot. Even without a voice, he won’t be ignored or pitied, not even close.  We’re not used to being on Tumblr. So forgive us if we don’t know how to reach out more than by making a post. Don’t be surprised if you send a message to Dad and we answer and you don’t know us, at least you’ll be current. Thanks for all your patient and understanding, and support. Please feel free to message us through Dad here or his IG account or email. If you need that info, just let us know. After all we’ll do our best, we’re Gingers like Dad, but with voices

and taller

as he reminds us, a lot better looking.

Dad rubs off on you after a while, even if you’re just in laws. Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

Social media family. Monday Sep 26, 2016
Dad, Georgie, was called to work his magic this weekend, but didn’t quite finish. It looks like he had a mini stroke caused by a ruptured aneurysm located right in the blind spot behind his titanium plate in right frontal love. Looks like it protected brain from outside forces, but hid also an internal defect.. Right now, he’s in medically induced coma and holding his own, tough old Marine, not just hardheaded😈
**Please realize I or my twin, we’re the Ginger DaughtersInLaws married to Georgie’s Sons, will try our best to update as conditions change. Please realize until our husbands get home, we’ll have our hands full. Dad has multiple accounts across social media and we may miss some, hopefully not. For privacy and employer concerns, most information is need to know, not want or wish to know. Pls understand there are many restrictions set forth by his employment contract&we will follow those to the letter as per his wishes.Thank you for understanding 😊 also know we probably won’t have time to answer every individual comment or question until things slow down. As Georgie/George has indicated, our Clan is large and scattered&we’re holding down the fort. This may seem impersonal, but we’re doing all we can get in present situation.

And not even sure we know all his accounts, just main ones.😈

89 thoughts on “Update on George/Dad

  1. Oh no, I had no idea. I had been wondering what was going on with him, hoping he was well. Thank you for the update. I’m glad you cracked the code. He is lucky to have such a lovely family. I will be thinking of him and wishing him well. Love you Georgie!! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Come, Come – Petals Unfolding

  3. George has been a friend and follower to many of us on WordPress. I am so sorry to hear this has happened and I pray for his recovery, as well as for you and the rest of his family and friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We as a family want to thank each and everyone of you for your love and support for Dad and us during this time. He appears to hear everything that we read to him from each and everyone, eye blinks and hand squeezes are increasing day to day as brain activity and vital signs improvement, even to point of blushing every now and then. Knowing Dad, he is well aware of the underlying relationships that most of us know little about, but if it means something to him, then we will continue to foster those links and connections. ❤ Thank you so much for everything. Pardon some of our generic replies, we're trying to do our best to ensure maximum outreach and sharing of information. We still don't know how Dad does what he does, he makes us feel old and slow……………………. and boring. and humbled with all the love and support he gives so freely. Thanks again for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers. We are humbled by this outpouring and so appreciative. George's Clan

    thank you ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • We don’t want to sound “generic” or “unfriendly” in our replies, we also know we can’t replace Dad’s humor or love, but please believe this comes straight from our hearts when we say thank you for all your love, support and especially prayers for Dad. He will recover, we just don’t know how long the process will take. We hope he will come back 100%, but not worried if he’s a little less. We’re finding out that it takes more than one of us to even try to keep up with his social media lifestyle, but we’ll try our darn best to do what he expects of us. Thankfully we have extra fingers to help out on multiple devices. One of us will post a more detailed update later today. Thank you again for everything.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello, I do know George we have had some pretty interesting comments back and forth about life really, he is a character but the contact I had with him is a great person. Tell him to get the swing for me, he would remember that.
    And I bet he will be right on blogging in no time, an Marine…. this is nothing, he will get up, he better or tell him that Charly will go there and smack him out of whatever it needs to be. He did told me quite a lot about his family, so as you see I´m a bit nutty (in a good way) and that is why I think we wrote so much to each other. A great man Mr. George. I came here through another blogger that wrote me about this, so it was actually hard to hear it at 7. am Sanish time.
    God bless you all and I really hope everthing will turn out good, wich it will. All the best to you, as he called you guys “the clan”, And all my best wishes to him and to your familly. Let him know that Charly the ex Spanish Legionaire said all this.
    All my best wishes really, and I do know he´ll be back reblogging some of my crazy writings.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Charly, you must be one of Dad’s brothers in arms. When we read your comments, his brain activity went off the charts. We thought he might wake up and start talking, but apparently the sedation medications are still strong enough to keep him down so he can rest. The swelling around his brain has almost dissipated completely, and if this keeps up the Drs want to reduce the sedation slowly and let him wake up on his own. No guarantees, but we’re cautiously optimistic.
      Dad shares so much with others, but kept his social media presence to himself mostly, after all, He said A man needs to have his own life, his own secrets and his own old war stories. We’ll try to respect his privacy while keeping his Friends updated as we can. If we screw up, I’m pretty sure Dad will have a few choice words for all of us. It’s OK, we’ll gladly take that butt chewing without sassing him back or making excuses. After all, he’s Dad. (my father in law actually, I’m one of his twin Ginger daughters in law) If we can’t get him to wake up soon, we may have to resort to force or ice cubes, maybe. Thanks Charly, we’ll make sure he knows you’re willing to provide the appropriate butt kickstarts.


  6. I was so sorry to hear of this. George has always been the loveliest of people, so supportive and kind and yes, a definite character! Please let him know that we are all thinking of him, pulling for a swift recovery and that he is missed. You and your family (and George of course!) are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. George will not know me.. But I am sending George healing energy over the airwaves and adding him to my healing prayer book..

    To George,

    George from what I have read from your own blogging community of friends, everyone is routing for you and sending positive love and healing thoughts your way.. Soak them up my friend and allow your own inner healing to take place..
    Love is POWERFUL MEDICINE.. and I can feel the LOVE of all of your family who are surrounding you with their Light right now..
    Get well soon..
    Love and Blessings.. from Sue..


  8. Sending heartfelt prayers to you both, and hoping for a miracle for George. This is my first visit here, but for AmyRose I would visit hell and hope to come out of it a better person. I’ve begun following now, so I can get updates on this man in your lives. He sounds like a truly loving and amazing person. You are in my prayers for the strength you need to get thru this. I get the feeling from reading this post that you will be up to the challenge ahead. Much love is coming your way from Kentucky. ❤ ❤ ❤


      • You are so welcome, dear. How is he today? I am praying for miracles as well as acceptance of God’s plan for you and your Dad. I still miss my own Dad after all these years, but take comfort in the fact that we will meet again. Mom joined him last year, then my husband, so I am very familiar with the waiting period you are experiencing. But I do believe in miracles, and hope you receive one with your Dad.


      • Dad still has a bit of swelling, which is delaying them weaning him off sedation, we’re not worried, it’ll just take a little longer. Dad was in a coma for over a month years ago and his SisInLaw was in a coma for months after giving birth to her twin Daughters 4 years ago, so we’ve gone through this already, thankfully and more prepared than ever, physically, mentally and spiritually. Dad’s a fighter, never knew how to quit or give up, so we just wait and won’t give up either. Thank you so much, please accept our gratitude and our condolences for your losses. Even when a loved one is sickly, nothing prepares us for that time fully. We just do the best to keep going forward. His Nieces said if Opa didn’t wake up soon, we’ll need more ice cubes………………..from the mouths of babes (twin 4 yr olds)


      • How is your dad today? I’ve been away from the computer for a while and haven’t kept up as closely as I should. My MS has no respect for the things I would rather be doing, so there are times when I’m just physically present while the brain goes other places. Still praying for you all.

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      • One of Dad’s Siblings has MS, so I’m sure he would understand more than anyone. There hasn’t been much change, but we did just post an update on his condition and treatment plan. Weird, he isn’t awake, but he taps out words here and there in morse code. Can’t hold back his Marine mind and training. When all else fails, resort to what you know best. Thankfully most of us were or are military still, so morse code was standard training in our Clan. works in emergencies very well. Thanks indeed for your thoughts and prayers. We pray for you to receive patience and strength in dealing with your MS. Aunt D. has good days and WTH days as she calls them. We wish you more of the good and less of the WTH ones………………..Sarah……

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      • I’m having some good days now, after a bad relapse that lasted longer than the others. I’m blessed though, since I’m 73, almost 74 years of age and still mostly able to get around on my own. I still live alone and take care of myself, walk unaided inside my apartment, but use a power chair when I go outside the building. I decided a long time ago that the only way to deal with the MS was to make it a laughing matter, so instead of crying about all the things that go wrong in life I find the humor in them. And believe me, they are really funny when you look at them in perspective. Walking into a door facing instead of thru the middle of the opening is very slapstick, and I’m a huge fan of the old slapstick comedians. Plus, I’m now tuned into my inner ballerina, so all is well. Thank you for your prayers and good wishes. It’s wonderful that your Dad is communicating with morse code. I only know the SOS signal, so I wouldn’t do very well in that quarter, but I’m so glad to hear that good news. Personally, I still have trouble with Military time even after years of working in the medical field. Let’s lift each other up in prayer……… Angie

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      • Ms Angie
        so glad to hear from you. You sound like the future version of Dad, making the best out of even the worst situations and conditions. Dad’s 66 and alive and kicking so far. For all he’s gone through, we would understand if he just decided to quit fighting, but that’s not him. His idea is that he survived Nam and not going to let anything dictate how he enjoys the second life he was given after surviving that conflict more or less in one piece. He still has the physical and mental scars, but Quitter is one tattoo he’ll never wear, either. We are sometimes amazed that he doesn’t just sit around and avoid trying to keep up with all our kiddies and us plus all his social media friends and family. Geez, he drives circles around us.
        He would appreciate “inner ballerina”
        He calls himself an unbalanced Klutz(very ungraceful accident waiting to happen).
        He sometimes tickles us so much after looking in the mirror, he has a card on his mirror. It says, “If someone ever gets the old guy in my mirror to speak up, ask why he’s trying to look like me?”
        Dad made sure we all knew Morse code for emergency contingencies. Prepare for worst, pray for best.
        Thank you so much for your prayers and we’ll add you to our prayer list and candle lighting list, too.

        Sarah, daughter in law, one of Twins, mother of Twins and expecting Twins.
        The water in TN has been doped…….
        ……… My Twin Sister is also pregnant. If Eve had been a Twin, she’d cut the population in half.

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      • You have inherited his sense of humor, I see. Several of my classmates were in Nam, as well as cousins, uncles and a brother. My brother was actually in Taiwan rather than Nam, but that kept us in a sweat because we never knew if he would be sent on to Nam or not. He was an Chaplain’s assistant in the AF, and later went on to become paymaster for the entire armed forces. He retired after 30 years, then was called back as a civilian employee after 6 months to do the same job when his replacement messed up the system Steve had put in place. After another 25 years he retired again and moved from Ft. Worth to Tulsa so they couldn’t call him back if the next person messed things up again. My youngest sis was also AF, one brother was Marine Corp, one National Guard. I don’t think the forth one was in the service because of his job, and my other sister and I were not, although she was FBI and I was Homeland Security, as well as AmeriCorps, so in our own way we all served our country. I think my shining moment was when I won a Presidential Points Of Light award, along with some friends for a program we devised and sponsored.
        I’m not sure why I’m talking about this, except possibly to ring my own bell. I love your reference to Eve being a Twin. My daughter has twins, boy/girl duo, 20 years old now, or maybe 21. It’s hard to remember ages after they get over the baby age. Harder to make gifts, also. But I digress.

        I’m so happy to hear that your Dad is more alert. The more you tell me about him the more I would love to have known him. I think he could be the younger, male version of me. I often talk to myself in the mirror too, but the day that image talks back is the day I’ll drop kick it out the window! That would be way too weird even for me.

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      • TY, Dad will be glad know more when he wakes up fully. It’s funny, most people mistake us for his own daughters instead of DILs OUr hubbys aren’t IDents nor Ginger like Dad. We each have a set of Boy/Girl Twins and are expecting more Twins, too early to tell what awaits us, and we don’t really care, like Dad, only want healthy babies. We’ll need more armbands to help Dad keep them apart and know who’s who in this house. Sis and are in Marine reserves and on sabbatical from NSA. Dad had 2 sets of Twins, now his Sons will continue that tradition. First generation native born Americans. Dad and all his biological children were born in Germany. Welcome to our mini UN Clan German/Dutch/English/Scottish/Italian/Portuguese/Haitian/Brazilian/Russian/Kenyan/American

        Humore is the key for survival in our Clan and living in the US Southern states.

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      • Wow! Sarah, that’s amazing! My dad was first gen. American, both parents from Germany. I’ve visited their birthplace, actually in Bavaria as the citizens there point out, and stayed in a Gasthaus with their name “Goetz”, pronounce here in my area at Gates, but in other areas anything goes. Getz is the most usual one, but one year when we were young and wrote a letter to Santa, the radio announcer pronounced it as “Go-e-tez`” It broke our hearts because we were sure Santa would miss us that year.

        My daughter adopted her first three kids from Romania, after losing seven babies –at least seven that she told me about. Her twins are a boy/girl combo, now 21. I thought she had taken her doctor’s advice and stopped trying for one of her own, but when the twins were eight she called me to ask if I was ready to be a Grammy again. Silly question! I’m still ready for more, but the kids are all finished. Now I’ll have to wait for the greats. I asked her if they were going back to Romania, and she informed me the doctor said it was safe to tell us she was pregnant, and the baby was due in June. Andrew was born five days before Caleb and Anika’s eighth birthday. Ethan, her oldest has always felt sorry for his cousins because they only celebrate Christmas, while he also celebrates St. Nicholas Day, the Romanian day for Christmas gift giving. Gina, my daughter has kept all the Romanian celebrations alive for the kids, and gave Andrew a Romanian middle name to go with the older three kids, so they are all the same.
        On my Mom’s side we are Irish/English, probably Black Irish if you go by the coloring. Only one redhead in the thirteen kids — the rest had black hair and blue eyes. I look like a cross between them both — a Goetz when I’m with my Goetz cousins, and a Blandford with the maternal cousins. And totally out of place with my sibs who all look like Mom.

        It’s so exciting to hear that your Dad is waking up now. I’m doing a happy dance in my chair — kinda hard on the butt but feels good inside.

        So, how did you end up in Tennessee? That makes you a neighbor, in a way, because I’m in Kentucky — Ohio River Valley, but still it’s Kentucky. Bluegrass, bourbon, beautiful horses, fast women, oops, that should be fast horses, beautiful women (yeah, right) — anyway, my family bleeds blue. My older brother was associate Dean of the UK School Of Medicine, my daughter and older son were UK grads, a granddaughter was a graduate, a grandson is a Junior now, my son-in-law is Chief of Staff to the President, numerous cousins are and have been students and graduates. As for me? I’m just not a sports fan. I’m delighted when they win, but couldn’t watch a game if the future of the world depended on it.


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      • Dad will be happy to know all of this and I’m sure he’ll reach out more when he’s fully awake and able. He was oldest child, only boy, only one born overseas. We never met his Mom and Dad, but knew his 2nd wife, she was Hungarian, born in Romania part annexed from Hungary during WWII I think. Dad met her in Germany on a bus trip to Spain.. long story and was quite a tale of dictionaries and hands and feet conversations, as he called it. She was learning German and English, already spoke French, which Dad could butcher with the best of them. Dad still has 2 sister in laws and a great nephew who has a wife and daughter who still live near Bucharest.
        we ended up in TN after Dad needed to leave MS to deal with the loss of 2nd wife and Twin daughters. then his sister in law had health issues after childbirth that caused stroke and coma, now the tables are turned. She lost husband shortly after birth of Twins, so Dad moved them from hospital in CA to PA until he bought and renovated this house and property in TN where’s it’s a mini-paradise, secluded, safe and sooo secured by a lake and military neighborhood……… Former Marines are best neighbors by any standards….

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      • It will be so wonderful when he is fully awake and can write to me. There are so many ways our paths could have crossed in the past and we never would have known it if this hadn’t happened and Amy Rose hadn’t mentioned his plight in her blog. Life sure is funny, huh?
        I’m second oldest, with an older brother, 3 younger brothers and 2 sisters.
        This will be pretty short because I’m under the weather right now. Seasonal allergies have hit with a vengeance, and I’m hoping now that I’ll get over this round quick. My family is coming in Sunday from around the country for a reunion — the first one since our Mom died 18 months ago. I still find myself picking up the phone to call her only to realize she won’t be answering any more.

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      • Angie,
        Yes, it will be absolutely awesome when he awakes and is able to retake control of his social media accounts. Here’s hoping you soon recover from these allergies. Enjoy your time with family as much as possible. I hope weather cooperates, too. Dad won’t delete the cell phone numbers from members of our Clan and his extended family that are no longer with us. My husband would catch himself calling his Mom or Sisters or Grandmother to tell them about news for a long time after they were gone. Sometimes it takes a while to break those habits.

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      • Awesome! Weather is breaking here, but it’s cold outside now. I’m cold natured now so that makes things rough, but much better than being too hot. I’m ready to hibernate for the winter. I learned long ago how to lay in supplies and make things last a long time so I don’t have to get out in the nasty weather, also have lots of layers to add if I do have to go out. Lots of projects to work on to keep mind occupied and hands busy. And I have the internet and telephone to keep up with the world outside world. I’ve become a pro at this by now. This winter I’ll also have George to keep on my mind and hold up in prayer. The best Christmas gift we could all receive this year would be his waking up and speaking to you at Christmas. And when it happens I would love to receive a “Merry Christmas” note from him. That is my wish this year, and I hope it will come true. My prayers are with you all.


  9. So very sorry, sending my prayers of strength and healing. George doesn’t know me, I just heard about his illness from a blogger friend. Hang in there, George! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


    • We will make sure we pass on each and every prayer, wish, and comment onto Dad. We know he’d rather hear from all of you more than the newspapers or TV programs. So we enjoy reading to him. We’re sorry it took so long to crack his password to make updates, but we’re his Clan, so failure was not an option. We’re just waiting for Dad to wake up so he can tell us how much improvement we need. And then he’ll draw funny faces on his dryerase board. Even without a voice, he can’t be ignored………………….. We’ll make sure he hears every message from you and everyone else. We’re overly confident he’ll start recovering as soon as they reduce the sedation meds. And then maybe he can take over and do a better job than all of us, again.

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  10. Wow George I cannot believe this I was wondering where you went. I think I told you that I broke my L3 trying to lift my daughter when she lost mobility in her legs, well now I’m 6 months out and finally visiting and I saw AmyRose’s post and had to send you a note and tell you how much I miss our little emoji chats. You are really good using them. Thank you for helping me with those and brightening my days.
    I want to encourage you to be strong and know I’m praying for you. Here’s a rose for you.

    It’s orange so you’ll know it’s me. I pray for strength and courage and ask God to bless your sweet family clan. Sending love and hugs to you! I look forward to our chats….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, we will update Dad with your comments. Dad is still “asleep” and starting to “communicate” infrequently with finger tapping Morse code. Weird, but then again, that’s Dad, unique way of showing us he hears and understands us. We’re cautiously optimistic that he’ll “wake up” soon from this coma. All vitals seems strong and steady. We’re just in this undetermined “waiting” phase for as long as it takes, we’re not going anywhere except to take him home to be around all of us like normal as soon as Drs okay the move. We’re putting him through physical and mental therapy to keep him as fit as can be so when he returns, his muscles and nerves don’t fail. He will have a few choice words after he wakes up about our interpretation of “exercise” and “rest” probably……….. Hope you recover completely soon, Ms MichelleMarie
      Sarah, Daughter in law

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