18 thoughts on “Light Of Love

    • My pleasure indeed ));<)))))
      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
      In and out, with so many Kiddies and Easter approaching, and the occasional Idiot in DC, all is going well. Early morning gathering of Kiddies in my bed, Lightning and Loud close Thunderings jarred house and suddenly I hear footsteps and small voices coming down the stair case led by Nieces. Lowering of darkening "tent" to block out any more Flashes. I turned on cartoons at low volume until the Snoring parade commenced. Kingsized bed, perfect for all of them. I may need more animal pillows.))))))))

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      • And how you make me laugh, George. The picture you do paint with words, little feet pattering coming closer coming to YOU for their safety “tent”. Oh how my inner child longs for such a person in my former past when I was scared of the storms. Just picuring you on that kingsized bed reminds me of me of my own surrounded by cats, not kids. LOL As for animals pillows …. oh my, you can never have enough of those! I plead the fifth regarding DC. I have better things to do with my precious time then even write about DC. LOL Still giggling at the picture of you with kiddies all around. You are a good man, George!!! Love, Amy


      • TY, my Kids never feared Thunder or Lightning. Somehow, I didn’t detect fear as I met them at the bottom of the stairs, only a sense of adventure and curiousity. I actually have an old thick canvas tent mounted to the ceiling with a set of pulleys and hooks to raise or lower as needed. I saw it somewhere and figured it would be fun. LED Christmas lights and solar powered batteries ensure it can be turned on when power fails or just for slumber parties when other Grands or visitors arrive.))))))) Inner PeterPan designers. In the stormy South as a teenager, I would gather Siblings in basement corner of house when tornado warnings were imminent, ( I watched outside with binoculars and telescope until I knew it was time to go and hide, empathy senses never failed me, still haven’t as long as I listen to them.) Plenty of practice, I know difference between “I’M SCARED” and “we’re scared” Usually giggles give them away._))))))))))))))))))

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      • George, you have one of the biggest, kindest Hearts I know. You are nothing but a big kid, nothing more. Your Grands must get the biggest kick out of you and OH how you must be Loved. Nothing else like it in the world, to be Loved like that! Not only are you a genius, but an incredibly Loving one at that. Those kids are very veryy fortunate to have a Grandpa/Great Uncle George. I have this huge silly smile on my face right now as I write this. LOL

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      • I’m trying to not spoil them too much, but found out if you don’t make learning a Job, they respond much quicker and the little sponges they have for brains will just keep expanding and expanding, like their hearts and souls. Nieces only being almost 3, I have no idea what they really know, but if anything like their Aunts, I’m in for a fun ride, indeed. I’m nowhere near a genius, just finally learned from all the mistakes I made the first go round and vowed to not be a repeat offender for the really stupid ones. Now without a voice, I listen so much better. TY for your kind words.

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      • You truly amaze me the way you “think”, George, and how determined you are to instill in your kiddies the power of thought and knowledge. And yes I too have made mountains of mistakes yet in those mistakes have woken up to smell the coffee. And then I saw how the majority are still the walking dead. I “listened” to a young girl this morning who actually had her head on straight. She voiced real concerns about the conditions in this world and her future. I in turn put little seeds out hopefully for her to catch and allow to grow. Listening is a powerful tool, unfortunately, not many again exercise that part of the brain due to their own agenda or being so immersed in their own fantasies of drama. YOU give me HOPE that those like you are doing their best to mold the newest generation of kiddies into something better then the majority of this present day. It is also easy to be kind to you, George. You are a kind man.

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      • I used to think that older people were just close minded and wanted everything and everyone to stay the same as them. Then as I grew older, I knew it was only bc they didn’t want everyone to keep on repeating the same mistakes on their own over and over again. Generations before me worked so hard just to care for family and saw success by completely different standards. I’ve learned so much later in life that would’ve made life easier, but stubbornness and pride ran deep in my DNA, sadly. I meet young people who give me hope for the future. Some think I am selfish for spending so much on the future educational needs of my Clan instead of tossing them into the public school failing system. They think money will fix it, no, as long as Unions are stronger than parents. Unions honestly will tell their members that when students become card carrying members, the Union will look after their interests and not before. Education has become a racket not a calling as it was generations ago.((((( TY, I’m still a work in progress. Only half a hermit, but a full survivalist, on or off grid just depending on the situations that will develop in the next couple of years. Ever heard of Jim Richards The Death of Money? Glenn Beck’s Corrupt, Dreamers and Deceivers, Conform?

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      • Today I realize just how extremely fortunate I am for having had the education I did. I was sent to a private school, and to this day I honestly do not know how my parents were able to pay the tuition. Even growing up in the 60’s, the public school system was below what I was learning in private schools. Those who say you are wasting money and time doing what you are, are fools, suckered into thinking falsely. To educate a young mind in the ways of generations ago, is one of the greatest gifts you can give to a child. When I was a voluntary teacher’s aid, I was shocked at what was being taught and how the kids acted. I ended up walking out and not looking back. I think I told you that already. (smile)
        Please stop beating yourself up for what you did or did not do in the past. The past is just that, the past, gone. No use crying over spilled milk because it just won’t do you any good. What is important is the present and what you do with that. All of Life has formed you and me into who we are today, and if it were not for those mistakes and whatevers, we wouldn’t be who we are today. Thank goodness we woke up when we did! Many do not, my friend, and go on living their entire lives blinded and deaf.
        I’m really surprised DC allows you anywhere near the way you think. You are one of the ones who upset the apple cart. Really? Um, yep! You keep right on doing what you are, setting the example, telling it how it is, and showing those around you, that family IS the most important aspect of your Life. I’m proud of you, George! It is good to know that there are those out in the world who are taking a stand and really knowing Truth. Keep on shining!

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      • TY and you are so right. DC only tolerates me because of my abilities, experience and I know where the maps are stored listing all the skeletons’ hiding places. Both sides are guilty, indeed, one not much better than the other, at all. I’m the token Mute. I learned long ago to protect me and my own, forever. There’s no statute of limitations for some things in life, and a change in administration is always a risk for some government employees and contractors. As a free lance contractor, I have certain freedoms and protections that most do no enjoy. or even imagine. I don’t misuse my skills, but I do not shy away from keeping my conscience clear, mostly.
        I have also learned to ignore those who do not contribute to my life or don’t pay my bills. My Clan has a voice in my decisions, but I still make the ones I feel are most in all of our interests, safety before sanity.))) In the next year or two, I will withdraw from DC except as a lobbyist of sorts for special projects near my heart, safeguarding power grid, real time incident response, real live and accurate civil defense programs, emergency response forward operating locations, removing government insurance programs for people who have more pride than common sense and build in hurricane prone areas(why should you and I pay for their lack of foresight and stupidity?))))))))))))))) just to name a few along with real charter schools without teacher’s unions.
        I’m already on someone’s hit list, thank goodness, I know them better than they know themselves. I used to be a union officer and rep. No longer, never again.


  1. I “borrowed” the face from an artist friend of mine, probably Iphone or something fancier than mine, and I stored it on a hotkey.))) relearning old tricks I’d learned in DOS, now adapting for Windows.


    • George, I am down for the count with a nasty bug, with a very high fever just now breaking. I realized you asked me if I knew the men you mentioned (Glenn Beck, Jim Richards), and I did not get back to you. No I don’t know them. I’ll talk to you when I am feeling better. Hope all is good your way. Love, Amy

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      • Not to worry, just take good care of yourself and we can continue when you’re back up and running in your track shoes. Praying for a full and rapid, not rabid, recovery.
        )));<)) ❤
        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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      • Thank you for your prayers, George. This is kicking my butt. I posted today but I am only answering certain comments and no blogging. I am in bed and not getting too far from it. I’ll be back in my track shoes as soon as I can. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      • Take your time, WP ain’t going anywhere soon. Rest over Easter and catch your second Wind, my dear Amy. NO life or death decisions to make here. Unless I forget to buy Peeps for my Clan, then, Easter crisis begins)))). I’ll take out my spike sharpening stones))))

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      • You managed to make me laugh when I feel like the shadow of death. Peeps, for crying out loud, if you forget, you will be in big trouble. What is Easter without Peeps? LOL You are too much!

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      • Someone else said they needed a pickmeup, so I asked if it could wait until I found my Atlas, Ben Grimm or Undertaker costume. If not I needed to have the address for a local Wrecker service that takes AAA)))))))))))))
        I’m not sure if half as many Peeps will be eaten by my Clan or used for Art projects. Should’ve seen Girlies faces when I told them that only mini marshmallows fit in their pump shotguns, not Peeps, no matter how much you compress them.))))))))))))))) We tried last year, gummed up their old ones entirely. Had to steam clean to free up the pumping mechanisms. Might try small PVC piping to attempt making a Peeps blowgun))))))))


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