Just 10 minutes before getting this in my email I had said these words, “I talk and I talk and my words mean nothing to you. You might hear me but you aren’t listening to me, so I give up. I will just go back to saying everything is fine.”

I am fine…

I know I am guilty of saying these three words more often than not. Thank you Sandy for guest posting here today and with a creepily relevant topic. You always touch me core deep.

Please welcome Sandy with the blog An Honest Sinner and support her by clicking HERE

I am fine

Photo Credit: Ryan McGuire/gratisography.com

‘I am fine.’

That is the answer.

What is the question?

‘How are you?’

Why do we lie? Why are we so unlikely to speak words of truth? Is it due to the fact that upon being asked such a stock question we are…

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