41 thoughts on “Update

    • I haven’t killed any of these fools yet, but only because they allow no personal devices or effect inside except our own clothes. Cooperation with other agencies is a myth, indeed. It would shorten our work and make life so much easier, But alas, I CAN’T FIX STUPID. Looking to being home Mon or Tues. They’re not screwing up my Thanksgiving, or there will be a mutiny.
      Wishing you a wonderful day and weekend, dear Amy. Great pics, my phone isn’t easy for reblogging, so I just like and go on. Better than no access at all. Well, time to go back in my Dungeon and secure my phone in the locker assigned to me. They don’t even trust me to bring in my own notebook paper or pens and pencils, geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
      👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀

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      • George, I do not know where you were on Veterans Day, but I am wishing you a belated Veterans Day. The service you gave this country and the service you are giving this country right now you need to be hugged for and to be thanked for. You are seriously missed by me. And I am sure the kiddies and your clan are missing you as well. Since your phone is more than likely being monitored, and now so is mine, I will not say too much regarding how I feel about this government. No you cannot fix stupid and stupid unfortunately is one of the reasons why this government and this country is in so much trouble. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to come to my site. My wish for you is to be home for Thanksgiving with your family. I do not know how you are capable of being where you are without your family and being surrounded by who you are. I look forward to our talks that will again happen very soon. Sending all my love and my prayers, Amy

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      • Dear Amy, thank you so much for your kind words. I am pleased to announce good news. I am home with my Clan. My jaw bones have healed. No chewing for 2 weeks, so my blender will probably be worn out before Christmas))))))))
        But pureed anything beats Ensure and Boost, Yukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
        I will catch up more later, but wanted you to know I’m safe and sound and yes, I agree with comments on “our” government……… Even more now since Paris and Syrian crap………… I will hug and kiss them all when they wake from their naps and find me home,…….. It’s not going to be quiet here for awhile, indeed.
        Not sure how much time I will have tomorrow, but just in case, I’m wishing you all the best for Thanksgiving Day and rest of the weekend. My Sons came home with me, we all needed a break, awaiting further instructions, but I think I’ll go AWOL if called back.

        👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀


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        And I can just imagine the squeals of pure JOY and delight with the kiddies when they know you are home. GRINNING!!!! I have the goosebumps plus tears. I have been praying for you and holding my breath to hear you are safely home. Thank GOD you are OK!!
        Will talk later. I am up to my eyesballs in busy and while you are rolling on the ground with wee ones, I am washing floors. Wishing YOU and your beloved clan a very Happy Thanksgiving! Dang, the tears again. I am just SO happy and relieved you are home for the holidays!!!
        Sending Much LOVE and JOY your way!!! Love, Amy ❤

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    • I’m ready to nail some of these idiots to the wall and leave them there until someone misses them. I don’t coddle fools and I’m surrounded now with a bunch of Whiners who worry about credit and blame if everyt͜hing isn’t perfect or to their pleasure. Idiots, indeed. Cooperation wasn’t taught to some of these agency clowns. But hey, Can’t fix Stupid and can’t let them give me a stroke………………….. 👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀
      I’ll survive even these Dolts.
      Wishing you a wonderful day and weekend if I don’t get back on tomorrow. ᕙ(💓▿💓)ᕗ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀

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      • Hi, Gorgeous. I am home with my Clan. And unless war breaks out in the US, I’m not going back…..
        Wishing you the best for Thanksgiving Day and rest of week. No more face mask, no more broken jaw bones, but I am told to avoid chewing for the next two weeks, so I’ll blend my meals and use jumbo straws. anything is better than Ensure and Boost)))))))))))))))))))))))
        Sending big hugs and kisses and wishes for love and happiness to you.
        👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀

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      • George, I have been reading some of the comments and I’m right there with you wishing I could nail some of the idiotas to the wall and leave them there. And to think they are running this country! The little kid sh*t they did to my phone … didn’t impress me at all. Thank God I knew what to do! I’ve been talking out loud deliberately just in case I am being recorded and if I am whoever is on the other end has gotten an earful! I am SO done with people who aren’t even human any more destroying this gorgeous country!
        I better stop ’cause I’ve had enough crises in my life and I don’t wish any more or more grey hair either, for that matter. I’m just SO relieved you are home out of harm’s way and in the safety of your family.
        (((HUGS))) Amy

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      • Just poking in for a bit to say Hi and let you know we are all well and getting better every day. BB came out for Turkey Day gathering to meet some more of the Clan. I got the “Don’t screw this up” look from a Son and Daughter in Law along with 2 of my Siblings. And we went for a bike ride today while the Kiddies were napping. Beautiful weather and bright Sunshine in abundance. Not used to being a passenger, but I could learn I think. Hoping you had a good day, wishing you a wonderful weekend, dear Amy.
        👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀 👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀 👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀

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      • Aw, George, our Thanksgiving this year was the best we have had in years!! I mean that! As for you, I agree with your Son and Daughter in Law. BB is a good aspect in your Life from where I see it so yes, don’t mess it up!!! LOL
        SO happy you are enjoying LIFE and doing things that truly give you JOY. I am so happy for you that you are once again surrounded by those who truly Love you!!! Sending Much Love your way, Amy ❤

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      • I am happy for me too, George. I’ve taken a “new stand” and am reaping beautiful crop from it. Hubby and I have begun walking at Chestnut Ridge Park, a total of 5 miles of intense hills. As we do, a bond is growing and getting stronger as well. Instead of apart, we are coming back together. I am in tears as I write this. Tomorrow again we walk. I am teaching him to appreciate Mother by not talking. I’m getting there. 😉 ❤ I am also not spending as much time on here …. today hubby is busy so I blogged.
        Much Love to you and your clan!! I do Love you, George!!

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      • YUP! Exactly what I say! Now to get his mouth to be quiet! LOL And his mind in the present here and now. It’s doable! Anything is possible by the Grace of God! Besides he is my protector and will be my mule when I go shoot my winter landscape. There have been vandalizism in this park … sh*ts breaking into cars and stealing purses and phones. Uncover is involved … they want whoever is doing this caught before the busy winter season starts. Anyways … hubs is now protecting “his woman” and getting in shape to carry my camera equipment. A win – win!!! GRIN!!! ❤

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      • Lovely to hear that he decided to live and have a purpose outside of Whining. I am indeed so happy. BB is visiting more and more now they are better manned with staff. She loves Kids and they worship her. They’ve never known a Grandmother, so it’s all good. We’re becoming good friends and slowly I’m sharing bits and pieces of former life and careers, not all at once, don’t want to scare her off and catch her running and screaming naked on that rocket of hers. ))))))))))) I;m sorting out John’s stuff and his storage unit this week, need it empty by Friday, no use paying more fees when it’s not needed. If I need to store stuff for a bit here, we have room. I’m not supposed to drive, but who’s gonna give me a ticket??????????????????? gotta catch me first, my little Audi is a mover and shaker, mostly it moves and shakes my kidneys and bladder, about 20 miles to the cup of java…………………………………….. Yep, incorrigible. Gotta head out soon to grocery shop and then back for Confession, yep, I hope there’s not a waiting list for me to drop off my list, he could pass away waiting for me to tell him all I need to do so. He doesn’t read minds of mutes, I guess………………………. I’ll check in as I can. Let Hubby protect and serve, it gives him a purpose………………. and he needs a purpose.
        hugs and kisses, dear Amy

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      • Almost finished with storage unit sorting. Now if Bozos in DC will quit calling not realizing I don’t talk on the phone…….. Idiots don’t talk to one another apparently if not in same office or agency……….. Kiddies up soon from Naps, so I’m trying to take a few and reach out and say HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIm dear Amy.
        👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀

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      • They’re a little slow on the download of information. They can’t understand why I don’t jump everytime they call, slow to comprehend what the heck MUTE means and other more complicated terms like, NO PHONE CALLS, only texts, emails or couriers………………………… I ain’t Hillary, I don’t have a secure server near my toilet……………………………………………

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      • ROFLMAO!!! Oh, George!!! You are SO funny! And it um shows the intelligence of “some” if they keep calling on the phone. OMGOSH! Really? I am not touching the remark about Hillary. Hehehehehe …. I don’t have a secure line. 😉

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      • I’ll blog some next week after household goes back down to almost normal again……. Won’t feel like I’m ignoring anyone…… BB will also get more free time, so maybe she’ll let me drive her pink pocket rocket………………….. But I’ll put in my mouthpiece to keep jaws locked instead of blown open by the winds. Have a great evening, time to blend and straw feed myself with the others………..
        👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀

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      • George, your family of anyone knows the realities of this world. I can just only imagine their relief and JOY that you are home, safe and with them. You are a gift beyond any material possession in this world. They Love you! Be with them as much as you can. Blogging is secondary. I understand how difficult it is to stay away it is at times. I know. I’ve really made the decision to stop killing myself on here and to just BE with my family. Just enjoy your family, have FUN, and celebrate being alive! I’m sure your family is finally breathing again now that you are home. Soak it all in for as we both know, tomorrow is never guaranteed. I do miss talking to you, as is evident here, but your attention needs to be with your family. You are one of the most fortunate people on this planet to have so much Love around you. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      • Yes, George, I have SO much to be thankful for! Truly! Once I tore down my “pride” and pushed my “hurt” away, I invited him to start walking with me. It’s a Journey, one that I am willing to do. I LOVE your dodads! Oh, George, I honestly have tears again in my eyes. I am SO glad you know and are happy for me and for hubby. Thank you, my friend!!! ❤

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    • Home finally, not on killing rampage. Stupid terrorists thought I was going to be at the soccer stadium I suppose. Glad I decided to give the tickets to someone else as gift. My Clan is all safe. I’ll post update on my health tomorrow if all goes well today. Keep safe Charly, some of these so called humans aren’t, sadly. Between migrant crisis in Europe and war in Syria, I’m glad I’m retarded and retired, mostly.
      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


      • I was looking at the news a bit tense looking for a killing spree….wasn´t you though, it was those subhumans that are flocking now my nation.
        Your health….come on George, you still have that swing over there, you´re health is better than mine, you still got a lot of milage to go.

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      • The swing is in good shape, it just felt ignored while I was working in DC, maybe?
        I can still handle a baseball bat fairly well, thankfully. One good thing about it is the steel bar core inside the wood shell. It’s a little heavy, but in a pinch, I don’t have to worry about reloading it ))))))))))))))))))))))
        I think a Santa suit is the perfect cover for me this season when I venture out. Who’d suspect Santa to be packing heat?????????????
        I stay vigilant, I don’t trust crowds or big gatherings outside of church. I’m happy to watch the major sporting events from the comfort of my recliner and near my fireplace. Wishing you a great evening and rest of week. Take good care of yourself and don’t let the dirtbags get under your skin too much. Stock up on bleach, you just never know when you need to “clean” up a mess.
        If I remember, Friday, I’ll share a memory of my Dad. It’ll explain a bit of why I’m the protective type around my Clan, Friends and other loved ones. I’m the runt of the family, but they learned I’m not to be dismissed as a pacifist.


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